Signed in as:
Life as it self is Art. But what we tented to forget is that We are the masters of creation what comes to our own piece of Art and get stuck in adversity and struggle; emotional pain, frustration, illnesses, relationships, addictions, job, depression and the list goes on. What We all need to be remember is that, We all have the right tools to change the direction of creating what we aim for. Somehow we just sometimes forget that we already have the knowledge of how to use everything we have, for to create the most beautiful and amazing piece of art.
I'm here to support You on that road. So dust of your pencils and papers, because we are going on a trip together. We dive in to transparency of human experiences in the physical body as well the spirituality of the mind. Dip our toes in unknown waters and by our selves deciding the colors and shades we paint our inner view with.
We start here and now.
Are You with me?
Go outdoors. No matter of weather or time of a year. Soften your eyes but let the space reach your eyes from behind you, from the sides, below, above and front of you. Soften until you can hear and and smell all the colors of this view. Keep you mind and eyes soft and walk around and choose a random place to focus on. Look until you find something magnificent and beautiful; water drop, a stone, a dragonfly, colorful leaf, shades of the grass... Just find your spot. Memorize it. Inhale it. Write to your journal about it. Enjoy it with gratitude.
OR something Juicier... Put on some sensual music. Something that feels like silk to your soul. Drop into your breath and close your eyes. Listen to your body! Where does it grave for touch and your presence? How does it grave to move? How does it grave to sound? Allow your body all of that. Allow yourself to deeply feel ALL OF THAT.
Take a moment to reflect over how this felt. Write about it.
Congratulations! You are becoming an artist over your own LifeArt.
What does Naga Taiga mean?
Naga stands for the Snake or Serpent, the Great Mother of Healing. She is the Medicine of shedding the old, dead skins of the old stories of our Lives, for the new skin to grow and to shine in all the colors of the rainbow. Taiga stands for the ever green forests of Pine and for me it represents the connection to Nature, not just without but also within. Nature is my Church.My body is part of the larger body of the Great Mother, so that meaning also that my Body is The Churge.
So, Naga Taiga in a nutshell is The Healers Nature and that my love, is each and every one of us in our true nature.
I am blessed to get to Journey with You at this time on Earth and to teach and Mentor in these healing modalities, giving You tools to access the hidden remembering within Your very own being.
Here I am. In flames. In Love with Life and everyone in it. Yes, even You reading this. Thank You!
My name is Karoliina and I am an LifeArtist and a motivational speaker, Embodied Sexologist, Online Tantra and Breathwork Teacher and a Life Coach that burns for empowering others to rise above adversity and find their sense of direction. I am myself survivor of domestic violence, sexual abuse, depressions, addictions and Terminal phase of Cancer. And what I most of all are Body and Mind therapist since almost 20 years back. My passions are to Teach and do Talks about; Breathing, Healing Meditations, Tantric teachings, Embodiment as a tool of finding back home, healing from Trauma and activating all aspects of the being, Supporting healing from bodily and mental wounds and illnesses, The Power of Forgiveness and Gratitude. I also facilitate Shamanic healing practices and Spirit communication as for being in service of the Greater Good of All. I love working in Group Containers as well as in deeper Mentorship programs 1-1.
All my healing spaces are Trauma informative!
"There is never so much darkness that it would swallow all the light, and there is never so much pain that it would hide the hope. Thank You - is our highest prayer."
Are You looking for a motivational speaker to Your business or wellness event? Or maybe seeking for a Tantra, Embodiment and Breathwork teacher with high compliance to create something new with? Maybe You want a new fresh wind to blow in to the corners of Your home shala or maybe You want to have personal coach sessions online? Maybe help Your shala to Connect with me and get free access to the work shop / class? Or maybe You need support on your Personal Journey or distance Healing?
Connect with me through email!
I serve in English, Finnish and Swedish.
Let me know; How can I serve You?
On this membership site you get to connect with others wit same longing and hunger of remembering and knowing and owning your own truth.
See You Soon!!!
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You find my weekly classes on MariNadi, Sjökvarteret, Mariehamn, Åland - FINLAND
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